Thursday, May 14, 2009

Remembering Joyce

My first memory of Joyce was at the beginning of the year in 3rd grade. I was new to St. Isaac's and didn't know anyone except George Coupe who was our neighbor. I was sitting in the back of the room behind Rob Bush, and I clearly remember seeing Joyce in the front of the class. I thought to myself, "she's cool, I'm going to ask her to play with me on the playground today"....and that was the beginning of a very long and fabulous friendship! From then on we drove the teachers nuts passing thousands of notes back and forth, sneaking Jolly Ranchers (or so we thought, those stinky things always gave us away), every morning sharing our dreams from the night before and our horoscopes for the day, insisting we both really really needed to use the bathroom at the same time, hiding in the bathroom at lunch time banging our head or knuckles against the brick wall insisting to Coach Geary that we were hurt and could not possibly participate in gym class that day....ah, the good old days!